The speed at which technology is changing has left many organizations behind their competitors either by late adoption or missing the bus totally. Many organizations still consider IT as a cost and avoid allocating budget for its modernisation, indirectly hindering their own growth. At the same time many have gone overboard by spending heavily on newer technologies without bothering to do an impact analysis of these on their business environment. Some organizations have run into a wall by simply aping the competition without assessing their people and process capabilities before the adoption.
The burning issues organizations are encountering in their IT landscape can be broadly classified into the following:
Lacuna on the part of the leadership regarding the role of Information Technology in the growth of their business.
Inability to change existing processes for reducing complexity and incorporating automation.
Deficiency in formulating an IT strategy that is aligned to the organizations business plan propelling growth.
Inadequate budget allocation for modernisation of technology infrastructure and enhancement of business applications.
Investments made in IT incapable of delivering desired results due to project failures or error in judgement regarding the outcome of the project.
Disregard to the capability building requirements of current resources to enable them to handle changing technology landscape
Lack of formulating Service Level Agreement with vendors/service providers resulting in deficiency of service or inferior products hampering projects.
Ignorance towards availability of cost effective external resources to audit or investigate current IT strategy or IT operations to suggest corrective actions in streamlining IT architecture or enforcing IT Governance.